Legal and Ethical Issues
Talent Consent Forms
When filming and creating all different types of advertisements for Defend Our Island, we had to ensure that many Legal and Ethical issues where sorted out to ensure that the production process goes smoothly. First thing we had to work on was consent forms for all actors that will be involved in the show and advertisements. This is just a small procedure that makes sure that every actor has given permission for them to be filmed by us or audio-recorded. Here is one consent form that was used for the advertisement.
Risk Assessment
Before filming anything with a full cast we had to ensure that the areas we where filming would be safe and if they were not, we also had to make sure how to prevent any possible actions. We looked at many possible risks like falling of the roof of a house to overall catching COVID which was still a bit of a threat at the time of filming. Overall we found the risked and did our best to prevent accident. Here is a risk assessment we came up with.
Even though COVID may still have been a minor threat and we did still take precautions to make sure that no one would contract COVID, we did not break any laws and regulations while filming as by the time of filming all COVID restrictions had been lifted therefor we could have as many actors and crew in one place as possible without breaking the law, however we still made precautions like regular testing and discouraged meaningless mingling that can help the spread of COVID.
Permission to Film
When planning to film, we had to find a suitable area to film, luckily through knowing a few contacts we managed to meet with a local noble man who owned a lovely estate named Earl Sir Marcus Wheeler III of the Wharfe. After some discussions in person and email he decided that it will be beneficial for both us, the team and also him if we filmed on his property. Here bellow is an email that I sent to Sir Wheeler just before he agreed in person and email.
Copyright issues
When editing the TV Trailer there was some copyrighted material that we used that furthermore needed permission to use for example many Wartime footage with audio that was owned by the British Pathe. We got permission from every owner of every asset we used to use their clips and audio. We also managed to get assets that are not copyrighted and owned so we didn't need to ask for permission to use them. We put together an asset table of all owned and not owned assets we used here bellow.
Overall in these trailers we are not really representing any particular group of people besides the British as a whole who have been represented quite ok as a whole with nothing that would offend anyone I don't think. However these advertisements also represent Germans, not to a big amount overall as there is only one reference of them in the trailers however there is also a Nazi Officer with a German accent as well. Overall even though the Germans may be shown in a negative light its a brief and short time they are presented at all so it will not cause a riot. Now of course even though the time is brief with the negative stereotype of the Germans being Nazis, we at IGS Creative ensure that we do not believe these stereotypes are real and are only showing them for historical meaning as many Germans were Nazis due to the influence the nazis had on the education system and their power to intimidate.
What software did I use?
When creating all the different assets for the campaign I had to use a variety of different software that I had to learn to use and overall I Believe that I have done a good job of this. For the TV and Radio trailer I used the software FinalCutPro which is a software overall made for editing movies together. It was very useful and easy to learn how to use. FinalCut can be used to make all sorts of movies, such as radio clips and trailers as well as entire movies and episodes as well as trailers of course in my case.
To make the TV Trailer I used FinalCut to edit in the soundtrack I made for the show as well as transitioning all the different shots and videos used by downloading them as assets and dragging them on the timeline you can see how I did this in the screenshot below.
To make the Radio Trailer it was very similar to the production of the TV Trailer, I had to download the audio from my rushes folder as assets on FinalCut and drag the audio on the timeline like I did with the footage on the TV Trailer. The audio was more important to this however therefor I added more audio that was original and made by my team and I. When creating both the Radio and TV trailers I had many tools at my disposal that helped me create my trailers such as the select tool that helped me drag clips and shots to the timeline, there was the trim tool as well which helped me crop out different parts of footage in a shot or clip. There was also the blade tool that I used the most and that tool separated shots in two or more so you can move them around to different parts as well as deleting sections that have just been separated. Here is a screenshot of the production of the radio trailer.
Here below are screenshots of the tools I used for final cut pro, there is a select tool of course in which I have already talked about as well as the trim, blade and zoom tool which I have also talked about, there are other tools like the position, range selection and hand tools but I have to be honest I never used these tools.
Here are the some of the transitions that are on final cut pro. I mainly used the fade to colour transition that I will talk about how I used them in the screenshot below.
This is an example of the transitions I used to make the end title fade in and out of blackness at the end of the show. You can see that the grey boxes on either side of the shot are transitions and they are on both sides of the shot to show that the shot fades in and out.
To make my Poster for the show I used a very useful software called Affinity which is great for making visual designs like posters and billboards, in my case of course I made a poster and it was quite easy to learn how to use as well because all of the tools at my disposal to make the poster such as the Move tool that helped my co-ordinate around the poster. There was the Fill tool which could fill up an entire area group with a curtain colour as well as zoom tool that also helped me co-ordinate around the poster by zooming in and out. These are a few of many different tools in Affinity that I used and they helped me a lot to create a visually Satisfying poster. Here is a screenshot of the placement of the tools and how Affinity works.
When creating the Social media account for this show. I didn't really use any proper software except for Instagram which I guess can be classed as a software as it is a platform where I can edit and publish posts to a detailed amount. However the main software that I guess could be said was used for social media as well could be Final cut pro and Affinity as used them for the trailers and posters and idents that are now on the social media site. Here is a screenshot of the production of a post on the Instagram post and you can see we can do a few things like edit the description and change the filters on the picture as well as adding a location.
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