Tuesday, 13 July 2021

M2 Answering Questions

 Self Evaluation

On a scale of 1-10 i would give my self a 7 on this pitch.  Throughout my practice pitch I was confident and did not stumble that much but overall my pitch was two long and i think would of made the client loose interest and become bored.  The pitch as well was unfinished which is unprofessional and the storyline was detailed but lasted at least 5 minutes to describe and needed a more organised episode structure.  As improvement I have changed the story explanation into a structure of episodes that will make the story easier to be explained. 

Additional Potential Questions

Here are some additional questions that I think could have been asked in my Pitch.

How would my series fit with BBC 3's Target audience (16-21)?  
My Series is targeted at the same audience (16-21) but i will need to ensure that I make it appealing to them as for example the majority of BBC 3's audience enjoy comedy the most but the third biggest majority like dramas and so my series will fit with a big percentage.  Also the fact that the two main protagonists in this show are 17 will make the show more appealing to the audience as the majority of BBC3's audience is 17 and so the audience will be able to connect with the characters more.

How would my series set in the 40s be inclusive to a diverse cast even though this is a time of mass oppression and discrimination?
Well at the time when this series is set Britain and especially the north was an are area of mass inclusivity and immigration.  Bradford a city near the town the series is set was known as little Germany because of the immigration of many german immigrants at the time.  During the war an African American soldier described the British as treating him Royally and the UK's Ethnic minorities was growing in population at the time.

Questions in the Video

In the Proposal it says a member of any ethnicity can apply for any role but would it actually be acceptable for an ethnic minority to be a nazi?  Of course we will be realistic with the nazis and other characters but overall the characters where there wont be historical inaccuracies we will be inclusive to all races and ethnicities.  

How will you avoid offending anyone of any ethnic Minority by the fact there are nazis in your show that discriminate against anyone that isn't White?  Now of course any series or film with the Nazis in it will be disturbing and offensive to anyone watching as they where truly awful people but my series ensures that the audience knows that these people where the bad guys and show what they did was wrong.

In film there are many great examples of war films for example Dunkirk, how is your series different to any other series based in the war?  Now of course there are loads of great WW2 films and series' but overall what makes my series different is the fact that my series has protagonists aged 17 which is quite uncommon and the show is set in a remote area in the UK not somewhere abroad in Europe.

P3 Creating a Pitch

Here below is my original Proposal draft:

This is the Proposal draft i used to do my Practice Pitch in. front of my Peers and Media teacher.  Shown below is my Practice Pitch Video.

 Here below is my final draft of my Proposal that i have made after my advise and questions.

Monday, 5 July 2021

P1 Analysis of Audience Research

Audience Research

Before you make any plan for a TV drama series you must do research about the audience you are targeting and how you could appeal to them.  The statistics had 133 people involved.

Some of the basic research i have done at first is the demographics of people that watch BBC 3.  The first demographic is age which is a range of 14 years or younger to 20 or older.  The majority of people that watch BBC 3 are 17 year olds with 62 people of the audience, followed closely by 16 year olds at 57.  18 year olds hold 13 of the audience and 20 year olds and older had just 1.  14 years and younger, 15 year olds and 19 year olds are all 0.  This overall shows that the audience is predominately 16-17 year olds and that is why the target audience the client has told me to appeal to is 16 - 21 year olds.  

The next statistic is gender with 70 viewers being female, 55 viewers being male and the other 8 being other and prefer not to say.  This shows that the majority of the audience will be female so i will have to appeal to them in some way, like for example there being a lead female role and female influenced factors.  Of course a massive amount is also male and so we have to appeal to them too, this is why i am going to have a story with two protagonists, one male, one female.

Next statistic is race and ethnicity.  The majority of responses was white (British) people with 116 viewers and 3 people of white (other) ethnicity.  Then there is the next group which is Asian (British) with 5 viewers and 2 asian (Pakistani), 1 Asian (Bangladeshi) and one Asian (other).  The other ethnicities are Mixed Heritage (Asian and White) with 3 people and Hispanic/Latino with 1 viewer.  1 viewer Preferred not to say.  Overall this shows that the majority of the audience is White but there are a few minorities we must appeal to as well to increase the amount of minorities watching BBC 3.

The next statistic is Sexuality with sexual preferences like Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Asexual, Unsure, Other and Prefer not to say.  the majority of viewers where heterosexual with a number of 99, the next biggest sexuality was bisexual with 12 viewers, then there is unsure and Prefer not to say with both 6 viewers each, homosexual with 4 viewers and asexual and other with both 3 viewers each.

Audience Pleasures

Now that we have talked about the target audience and who they are and what they are.  Let's talk about the audience pleasures.  There are four parts of audience pleasures; Personal Relationships, Surveillance, Personal Identity and Diversion.  Here below are descriptions of each one.

Personal Relationships:
The audience finds a series appealing when they see how a character maintains their relationships with other characters.  Viewers find this appealing as they compare their relationships with the character and also connect more with other viewers.

The audience finds pleasure by seeing how other people live their lives and how they can compare their lives with the character.

Personal Identity:
The audience finds pleasure by being able to identify with characters which overall helps them make sense out of their identity.

The audience also finds pleasure by curtain diversions to the plot like pure entertainment, action and even sexual excitement.  

P1 Interpreting the Brief

Shown above is the Brief i have been given for this unit and it tells me that i have to make and plan a Drama Series for the new awakening BBC 3 that left TV a while ago.  BBC 3 will be a channel that is targeted at 16 - 21 year olds and have asked my to make an idea for a series based at that age group.  A way I could do that is with having young characters and unorthodox stories to appeal to the younger audience that we have targeted.  The client has asked me to make an original idea and i will have to support it by creating a proposal and a client documentation to support my idea.  A proposal will be very beneficial as it can give me the criticism i need to create a good idea and so i can know how to make a good show targeted at 16 - 21 year olds.  The client has told me that the production budget will be low so I will have to ensure that i can keep costs low and that could be met with factors such as filming in an area that isn't as expensive as down south (so the north) and also hiring unknown or new actors for the series, this will be a lot cheaper than hiring actors that are famous and very well known as they will expect a high income.

D2 - Explain technical and aesthetic Properties

Here above is a copy of the Brief that was given to me by my client at BBC 3 to make an advertising campaign for the BBC 3 Production Defend...