Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Composition and angles.
Here is a very famous scene from Star Wars, A New Hope. It shows Luke Skywalker looking at the beautiful binary sunset. In this scene George Lucas used the rule of thirds to make this scene look more appealing to the audience as he is looking at the binary sunset so he is more to the side of the shot. Here is an example from the scene with the grid for the rule.See how he is on the left line and therefor makes the image more appealing than for example this shot that I edited:This shot is not as appealing as the shot before as he has barely any space and it doesn’t show that much if he’s looking at something bigger than him.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Response to Brief | Unit 3
In this brief for Unit 3 'Creating a Music Video' i have been given a lot of free reign on what i have to do and make. So i have decided to deign and make a jazz music video with the song "I cant Believe that your in Love with Me" by the great Billie Holiday.
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
180 Degree Rule with filming Conversations
First of all yes that is me with my good mate Tom Shuttleworth and with the great photographer Ollie Evens. This 'out of context' conversation on trees is meant to show the how the 180 degree rule works. The 180 degree rule is basically there so the audience isn't disorientated by keep the filming in one direction and not the other way. The video was a bit bad with the quality and probably with the acting to but it is mainly to experiment with editing and Ollie Evens did a pretty good job so i recommend looking at both Ollie Even's and Tom Shuttleworth's Blog as they are doing the same course as me.
Here is an example of the rule and the green is where you are meant to film but the red is the 'NO GO' area.
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Shot types
This is a Establishing shot, it is there to show geography of the setting and can show the time of day as well.This is a master Shot, it is meant to show the geography of the scene and to introduce the characters in it, like me there!
This is a wide shot to show that I am either lost or isolated.
Here is a full shot, this is a shot were you can see the character head to toe.
This is a Medium shot and is meant to be from above the waist to above the head, photographers use this shot to show the neutral side of the character, enough to see the character but not enough to fully see their emotions and feelings.
This is the Medium close up and is meant to make the audience more intimate with the characters by seeing more emotion closer.
Controversial Music videos
There are a lot of controversial videos out there but after looking at this, at the time this was controversial at the time as it was about genocide and how evil it is. It was presented in a world where people with ginger hair where hunted down and killed brutally for what they look like. It is very graphic and has nudity, graphic deaths and also a little kid is shot in the head! I recommend that you don't watch it if you are squeamish for blood and gore but it has a good message and how genocide is the most evil thing ever in human kind's history.
Friday, 2 October 2020
Micheal Buble, Its a Beautiful day, Audience Therory
This song Is by Michael Buble and is about a breakup due to cheating. It is very abstract and is quite funny. I have been tasked to show why the audience consume media so I chose this song as an example.
Personal Relationships:
This song might appeal audiences by showing how we don't always need a relationship if you are lonely as he says that nothing will get in his way from being happy, this may not show the maintaining of relationships but it shows that lonely people can be happy.
This song as I said is quite abstract but people can see how Michael Buble is always happy whatever happens and it can show the audience to remain positive.
Personal Identity:
In this video there are two main characters which one is of course, Michael Buble and the other is the girlfriend. Michael shows us the positive part of our identity while the government shows us the greedy part of us that will only cause bad things to happen.
This video is a great video with great dancing, stunts and great music of course! This video is great for the audience to 'escape' and enjoy the music as the are a lots of flips, dancers, a dragon and even explosions at the end.
D2 - Explain technical and aesthetic Properties
Here above is a copy of the Brief that was given to me by my client at BBC 3 to make an advertising campaign for the BBC 3 Production Defend...

Here above is a copy of the Brief that was given to me by my client at BBC 3 to make an advertising campaign for the BBC 3 Production Defend...
Here below is the visualisation diagram of the social media account going to be made Here bellow is the asset table of assets that will be ...
Here above is my first draft of the script, as you can see it is mainly unfinished and needs a lot of work, therefor in the next couple of d...